Continental Mission Appoints a General Director
February 21, 2012
Continental Mission, a Thompson based ministry organization with almost 70 years of history in
“Growing Christian Leaders in the North”, has promoted Morgan Serger to be its new General Director.
Morgan will succeed Ferlin Abrahamson who has been serving in this capacity as interim General
Manager since 2010.
Morgan and his wife Krista initially joined the Continental Mission team in 2007 when they began
serving as volunteer leaders in Midway Bible Camp as well as the HIDEOUT in Christ (a youth drop-in
centre in Thompson). By 2009, they had transitioned from a volunteer role into fulltime leadership role
within Continental Mission as they accepted the role of Director of Children and Youth Ministries.
Morgan is a trained educator with a Bachelor of Arts in History, Geography and Anthropology as well as
a Bachelor of Education which he earned while living in his “Southern home” of Steinbach, Manitoba
attending the Steinbach Mennonite Brethren Church and living in Winnipeg, Manitoba attending the
Christian Fellowship Chapel. Prior to joining the Mission as a fulltime employee, Morgan was a school
teacher in Thompson, Manitoba, the Northern community in which the Serger’s have established their
home and currently attend the Thompson Bible Chapel.
Morgan & Krista bring a contagious enthusiasm to their role as well as a driving sense of purpose which
will serve the organization well as they continue to build on the rich history of Continental Mission.
Together with the board of directors, Morgan & Krista are excited to continue the process of
“unpacking” the organizational mission statement of “Growing Christian Leaders in the North”.
Fred Evans, a veteran member of the Continental Mission team and a Cree radio broadcaster on NCI
provided a personal endorsement of Morgan’s leadership in Fred’s traditionally understated way when
he said, “Morgan has lived in the North long enough that his hair doesn’t stand on end when he sees a
Bruce Penner, the Board Chair for Continental Mission added, “The Board of Directors has been looking
for someone who can lead our organizational development in a way that values and respects our history
and traditions while understanding and embracing our vision for future. Morgan’s experience as a
former volunteer and leader within the organization as well as his training and experience as an
educator give him a great set of tools to champion our organizational growth.”
When asked about his plans for the organization, Morgan replied, “My first priority is to replace myself
as the leader of the Youth Ministry so that I can broaden my personal focus to grow the Mission’s
mandate of leadership development across the North. I believe that there is a pent up supply of people
and resources which are looking for opportunities to effect change in the North. Our role will be to
provide mechanisms for change which are credible and sustainable.”
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