Thursday, September 22, 2011

Harvest Time

                                                                                                  September 2011
                                                                 It is harvest time!
Last evening at dusk as I was operating a combine in an area where many combines were busy thrashing grain and the harvest dusk hung like a thick blanket all around, I was reminded again of one reason I get so excited about being part of “bringing in the sheaves.” It is always a privilege to get involved in something that is so much bigger than you, and yet feel that you are also making some significant contribution. |I know that the annual grain harvest is about “making a living,” but it is also meaningful to me to be participating in activity that feeds the world.
Here at Continental Mission, we are also privileged to be a part of the harvest. Many people over many years have been sowing the seed and there is a harvest waiting to be brought in. Though the timing is even less predictable than harvesting grain, the harvest is real and so is the privilege and responsibility to be a part of it.
In “Bringing in the Sheaves” the songwriter, Knowles Shaw, talks a lot more about sowing than he does about reaping, even though harvest is the focus of the song. We often feel that there is need for a lot of sowing, but we never want to lose sight of the reason for it all and the harvest that is to come.
We continue to wrestle with the implications of our new Mission Statement “Growing Christian Leaders in the North.” We are in the midst of finding a new full-time director who can lead us into the future God has in store for us. Your prayers and gifts are appreciated so much.
                                                                                For the harvest,
                                                                           Ferlin Abrahamson         
                                                                           Interim General Manager