Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Director announcement coming soon

The CMI board is negotiating with a director applicant. An announcement of the outcome is expected sometime next week.

Monday, January 9, 2012

General Office Manager Position

Continental Mission Incorporated
(“the Organization”)

Position Description for General Office Manager

Job Title:                              General Office Manager

Reports To:                         General Director

Term:                                   Initial term of 2 years

Position Overview:

The Board of Directors has completed phase I of a Re-Visioning Project for The Organization which has defined the Mission statement as “Growing Christian Leaders in the North”.

The General Office Manager will be expected to provide the day to day managerial support for the General Director.

·         Keeping regular office hours

·         Completing day to day paperwork,

·         Ensuring that communication and bookkeeping are up-to-date

·         Other tasks as assigned

The General Office Manager will work as a part of the Organization’s leadership team with a primary focus on efficient administration.


·         As a senior administrator of the Organization, the General Office Manager is responsible for

o   Assisting in the administration & oversight of all current programs specifically as regards accessing grants, communications and public relations media

o   Finances

§  Managing the annual budget

§  Being sure that all financial affairs are adhering to legal requirements

§  Providing financial reports to the General Director on a monthly basis.

o   Providing the General Director with regular reports on the status of ongoing public relations plans and communications

o   Edit and manage the major public relations campaigns of the organization

·         As an asset manager, the General Office Manager will manage the payment of bills, property maintenance and play the role of landlord for rental groups  using the organization’s assets.

·         As a team member, the General Office Manager will be personally involved in “Growing Christian Leaders in the North”

·         As an ambassador for the Organization, the General Office Manager will be responsible for communicating with other organizations as necessary.

·         As a servant of the General Director, the General Office Manager is expected to respond with flexibility and collaboration to the needs of the Organization (both internally and externally) when directed by the General Director.

Skills & Characteristics

·         Strong personal faith and testimony

o   Ability to achieve a healthy balance between vocation and personal life

·         Demonstrated leadership qualities

o   Planning

o   Organization

o   Bookkeeping

o   Independent  Work Ethic

·         Strong communication skills

o   Excellent verbal communicator

o   Comfortable with multiple media forms

Employment Model

·         The head office of the organization is in Thompson, Manitoba

·         Target compensation for this position will be $3,750 per month

§  Initial month salary would be drawn from General Fund, with active increments negotiated to move toward a split salary with an increasing portion coming from support raised funds to decrease the burden on the General Fund.

§  Travel and home office expenses will be identified to provide legitimate tax-advantageous treatment of total compensation

Happy New Year

It’s a New Year                                                                                  January, 2012


What a privilege to experience another new day in another New Year. It is easy to forget what a privilege it is to have life and hope. This New Year will bring some joys and some sorrows, but it is our privilege to be a part of it and we should thank God for that. It is also important to remember with the Apostle Paul that departing to be with the Lord is far better.

Here at CMI we are starting the New Year with some New Life and New Hope. I am thrilled to see a full van load of youth going with Morgan and Krista Serger to a Youth Retreat at Camp Cedarwood this weekend. The teens are so excited. I am pleased to hear of the exuberance at Steinbach Bible College as the students prepare to come north next Tuesday.

The new General Director is almost here! We ask you to pray with us for the board and candidates as the hiring process moves forward. You can expect an announcement of the successful candidate by this time next month.

We have chosen a new date for the CMI Annual Meeting. After quite a few years of having our annual meeting on May Long Weekend, we are going back to an older tradition of having it in March. We are actually blending traditions since we are hosting the meeting at Hilbre rather than in the North as used to be done years ago. I encourage you to mark March 17th on your calendar and plan to join us for an informative meeting and supper at Eagle Bay Camp and Retreat Center.

We are choosing a new financial target. We are so enthused about God’s faithfulness and the generosity of his people that allowed us to meet our target of repaying the $27thousand borrowed from reserved funds as we close the books on 2011. It is such a privilege to be a part of God’s people. As we finalize plans for the 2012 budget, we want to do so planning carefully, trusting God fully and communicating to our supporting constituency graciously.

CMI is looking for new staff. We are looking for a General Office Manager to work closely with the General Director. See the job description under that tab on CMI Home page.  

May God give you wisdom and joy as you embark on this New Year.

Ferlin Abrahamson

Interim General Manager
