Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24, 2011

CMI has experienced change

What a positive change has happened in the past few months! Many of you are aware that CMI was considering “closing up shop” last summer. Then the board of directors became invigorated when representatives from new ministry partners formally joined it. These partners are the Chortitzer Mennonite Conference, Evangelical Mennonite Missions Conference, and Evangelical Mennonite Conference. This new board consists of members Bruce Penner, Leonard Hiebert, Gerald Barkman, and Mel Friesen. This Board appointed Ferlin Abrahamson as Interim General Manager and determined to work hard at establishing the direction and focus for this new chapter of CMI history. It is their desire to build on the rich history and generous donor base that characterize CMI’s past. It is also their desire to move boldly into future ministry that honors God and blesses people in similar ways to what past ministry has done. It is our desire to be an effective vehicle for God’s people to be a part of what he is doing “in the north.”

CMI re-visioning is underway
The Continental Mission Board is excited to get the re-visioning project formally underway. Now that the leg-work “behind the scenes” is taken care of, the questionnaire is being sent out to various stakeholders of the mission. We are looking forward to some interesting and diverse responses that will help guide the board through the next part of the process. If you would like to add your perspective, please send an email to or call us at 204-778-4491 and we’ll be glad to send you a copy. We hope to conclude this part of the project in March so there is time to work with the results and begin to build on the emerging focus in April. 
CMI family is getting together

Plans are being made for our annual conference to be held at Eagle Bay Ministry Centre near Hilbre, Man., on May long weekend. There is significant excitement in the air as we look forward to a progress report and celebrate the new life and opportunities that have come in the past year. Everyone is welcome, though you need to book in advance for meals or lodging.
Plans are also underway to partner with Thompson Bible Chapel to plan a family camp for June 24-26 at Midway Bible Camp. We are looking forward to a great time of singing, sharing, fishing and laughing together as families gather “in the family of God.” We are expecting some very special guests to travel in to join us and also the most special guest of all who has promised to be in our midst when we gather in his name.

CMI needs you

We continue to seek new harvesters to join with the 12 staff members who now serve. The need for additional office help is real, and we would love to hear from you if you are interested in this challenging, dynamic role where you will work in a team environment in Thompson. As we clarify our focus of ministry and the emphasis that CMI will pursue for the future, we believe God will draw together more staff members who share our passion for the place God has called us to be. We are also excited about the new prayer and financial support that God is bringing together as He reminds us repeatedly that we are involved in a team effort.

If you have any questions, please email, call, fax or write us and we will do our best to get you answers.
                                                                                Ferlin Abrahamson
                                                                                Interim General Manager 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Letter

                                                                                    February 2011
“It was totally a God thing”!
That’s probably the best way to describe a meeting between strangers that had very good reasons for never happening. But God chose to use the horrible experience of personal pain, and the weakness of battling illness, to bring consolation to this stranger who had lost a son. It sure brings to mind the truth of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4:
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

 God has been doing some exciting things in our midst!
-Reaching down with a special touch for a long time Christian brother who has wandered,

-Coming powerfully into our midst as we cried and prayed with a grieving woman
bemoaning the murder of her son and the devastation of so many young lives
caught up in the web of drugs and gangs, 

-Showing me little glimpses of his desire for unity and oneness in the church, and proving
that he is still drawing his children together, even those that have been estranged
for far too long,

-Reminding me how diligently our staff members are applying themselves to serving the
 King of Kings,

-Encouraging me with the prayers and passion of the local “pastors prayer group” for the
physical and spiritual needs of people in Thompson and area

-Showing me in multiple ways that there are many of you who really do pray for and
support the kingdom work we are involved in here in the North,

-Teaching me what a privilege I have to be a part of what Jesus called “building my
Church”, as I follow paths blazed by pioneers and also look to a future that is “as
bright as the promises of God,”

-Encouraging me daily with the desire that so many of you have to be a part of the great
work that God is doing. 

            On behalf of Continental Mission, thank you so much for your prayers and gifts that fuel the work that we have the privilege to be involved in.

                                                Wishing you God’s blessing,
                                                Ferlin Abrahamson
                                                    General Manager